Tuesday, 12 February 2013

What's on in February

Sunday 10th February
9.30 Prayer meeting in Marie Pearce Room
10.30 Service led by Paul
11.00 GRH chapel service led by Kevin
2.30 Glos Gallery Quire practice in church

Monday 11th February
10.00 U3A Recorder group in church
10.30 NHS patient assessments in hall
7.30 Cheltenham Male Voice Praise in hall

Tuesday 12th February
7.30 Prayer meeting in Marie Pearce Room

Wednesday 13th February
12.30 Lunch followed by communion
7.30 Hand-bells group in hall

Thursday 14th February
10.30 NHS patient assessments in hall
7.45 Townswomen’s Guild in annex led by June Davis on a Nepali orphanage: all welcome

Friday 15th February
12-1.30 Lent lunch in St Augustine’s hall
2.00 Open Doors prayer meeting at Claris’ home

Sunday 17th February
9.30 Prayer meeting in Marie Pearce Room
10.30 Communion service led by Kevin

Monday 18th February
10.30 NHS patient assessments in hall

Tuesday 19th February
10.00 Toddler Group

Wednesday 20th February
9.30 Craft group in annex
12.00 Kevin at Matson clergy lunch
2.30 Friendship Circle: Dave Limbrick will speak about “Fowl Play”
7.30 Home group at the Griffiths’ home

Thursday 21st February
9.30 & 1.00 Kevin at Robinswood Pre-School
10.30 NHS patient assessments
7.30 Hand-bells group in hall

Friday 22nd February
5-8pm Abbeymead Lodge hiring church & annex

Saturday 23rd February
10.30-3.30 Child’s party in Hall
7.00 Martin Fry Audio-Visual event at St Hilda’s

Sunday 24th February
9.30 Prayer meeting in Marie Pearce Room
10.30 Service led by Kevin
6.30 Joint Baptist Service at Brunswick

Monday 25th February
10.30 NHS group in hall

Tuesday 26th February
10.00 Toddler Group
7.30 Hard Questions Group at 6 Peart Close

Wednesday 27th February
2.30 Friendship Circle: Frances Quist speaking 7.30 Hand-bells group in hall

Thursday 28th February
10.30 NHS group in hall
11.00 Kevin at Glos Chs Together Enabling Gp
5.30 GL Communities Board meeting in hall
6.30 GL Communities AGM in hall

Friday 1st March
9.30 Kevin at Children’s Centre Board training

Saturday 2nd March
2.00 Child’s party in hall

Sunday 3rd March
9.30 Prayer meeting in Marie Pearce Room
10.30 Service led by Kevin
2.30 Glos Gallery Quire practise in church
6.30 Communion service led by Kevin

AGM: 12th March 2013
- Deacons’ Nomination forms.
Please hand to Kevin by 3rd March.
- Reports on organisations/activities.
Please hand to Stephen Butler by 3rd March

Please contact Liz Allen if you have any items for the newsheet Tel: 542693
Email: bobandliz@blueyonder.co.uk