If you have time - click on the cloud photo for "On Line Sermons" and listen to part of a Service. We hope to record most Sermons in the near future
Sunday 12th January
10.30 Service led by Rev Kevin Durrant
6.30 Communion service led by Kevin
Monday 13th January
10.00 U3A Recorder Group Meeting
Tuesday 14th January
9.30 Parent and Toddler Group
7.30 Church Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 15th January
9.30 Craft Group meetin in Annex
9.30 Kevin at Waterwells Pre-School
2.30 Friendship Circle: Speaker Ros Durrant
Thursday 16th January
a.m. Kevin and Bob involved in interviews for new
Robinswood Headteacher
10.30 New NHS group starts in Hall
7.30 Handbell Group
Sunday 19th January
10.30 Communion Service led by Kevin
2.30 Gloster Gallery Quire Rehearsal
Monday 20th January
10.30 NHS group in Hall
Tuesday 21st January
10.00 Toddler group in Hall
7.00 MBC hosting local Ecumenical service
Wednesday 22nd January
2.30 Friendship Circle: Speaker Carol Lee
7.30 Healing Meeting at the Manse
7.30 Handbell Group in Hall
Thursday 23rd January
10.30 NHS group in Hall
Sunday 26th January
10.30 Service led by Kevin and Ros
2.00 Child's party in the Hall (Private Booking)
Monday 27th January
10.00 U3A Recorder group meeting
10.30 NHS group in Hall
7.30 Transition Gloucester Meeting: "Positive Money"
at Fountain Pub
Tuesday 28th January
10.00 Toddler Group in Hall
12.45 Kevin at Baptist Ministers lunch
7.00 Matson and Robinswood Partnership meeting in Hall
Wednesday 28th January
2.30 Friendship Circle with our local Community Builders
7.30 Handbell Group meeting
Thursday 30th January
10.30 NHS group in Hall
Friday 31st January
2.30 Julian Ecumenical Prayer Group at English Martyrs,
Saturday 1st February
2.30 Musical Folk Rehearsal in Hall
Sunday 2nd February
10.30 Service led by Sue Ingleby and Bob Allen (Kevin
at Christchurch)
1.00 Child's party in Hall (private hire)
2.30 Glos Gallery Quire in Church
6.30 Communion Service led by Kevin
Monday 3rd February
10.30 NHS Group in Hall
Tuesday 4th February
10.00 Toddler Group in Hall
Wednesday 5th February
2.30 Friendship Circle: "A blast from the past" with John
Thursday 6th February
10.30 NHS group in Hall
7.30 Handbells
Sunday 9th February
10.30 Service led by Stephen and Kevin
6.30 Joint Baptist service at Brunswick Baptist Church
Monday 10th February
10.00 U3A Recorder Group in Church
10.30 NHS Group in Hall
7.30 Cheltenham Male Voice Praise Practice in Hall
Tuesday 11th February
9.05 and 12.30 Kevin taking Robinswood Assemblies
10.00 Parent and Toddler Group in Hall
7.30 Deacons' meeting at the Allens' home
contact Liz Allen if you have any items for the news sheet
Tel: 01452 542693 Email: bobandliz@blueyonder.co.uk