Sermons on Line
If you have time - click on the cloud photo for
"On Line Sermons" and listen to part of a Service.
We hope to record most Sermons in the near future
Monday 10th February
10.00 U3A recorder group in church
10.30 NHS Group in hall
7.30 Cheltenham Male Voice Choir practice in hall
Tuesday 11th February
9.05 & 12.30 Kevin taking Robinswood Assemblies
10.00 Toddler Group in hall
6.00 Picture Evening on India at St. Hilda's
7.30 Deacon's Meeting at the Allen's home
Wednesday 12th February
10.00 Kevin at Waterwells Pre-School
12.30 Lunch followed by Communion
5.00 TIM Board Meeting
7.30 Handbell practice in hall
8.00 Outreach Meeting at the Allen's home
Thursday 13th February
9.30 & 1pm Kevin at Robinswood Pre-School
10.30 NHS Group in hall
7.30 Healing Meeting at the Manse
Sunday 16th February
10.30 Communion Service led by Kevin
2.30 Gloster Gallery Quire Rehearsal
Monday 17th February
10.30 NHS Group in hall
Tuesday 18th February
7.30 Church Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 19th February
9.30 Craft Group in the annex
2.30 Friendship Circle: Martin Henshaw on the Food Bank
Thursday 20th February
10.30 NHS Group in the Hall
Friday 21st February
2.30 Open Doors Prayer meeting at Claris' home
Sunday 23rd February
10.30 Service led by Kevin
Monday 24th February
10.30 NHS Group in the hall
Tuesday 25th February
10.00 Toddler Group in hall
7.30 Homegroup
Wednesday 26th February
12.30 Kevin at Matson Clergy Lunch
2.30 Friendship Circle: Marget Apperley: Holy Land Memories
7.30 Transition Gloucester Pub Night: Gloucestershire Wildlife
Trust at Robert Raikes
7.30 Handbells
Thursday 27th February
10.30 NHS Group in hall
5.30 Kevin at GL Communities Board Meeting
Friday 28th February
2.30 Julian Prayer Group at St Hilda's
Saturday 1st March
9.15 Jonathan, Kevin and Ros at Redcliffe College Environment
All day Green Fayre at Blackfriars
Sunday 2nd March
10.30 Service led by Sue and Paul
Please contact Liz Allen if you have any items for the newssheet on 01452 542693