Sermons on Line
If you have time - click on the cloud photo for
"On Line Sermons" and listen to part of a Service.
Sunday 1st June
10.30 Service led by Sue Ingleby and Richard Johnson
12.00 Big Lunch - Picnic in Robinswood Country Park
6.30 Communion led by Paul
Monday 2nd June
10.30 U3A Recorder group in Church
Tuesday 3rd June
9.30 and 1.00 Kevin at Robinswood Pre-School
10.00 Toddler Group
1.45 Kevin helping at Robinswood's Year 6 Review
7.30 Deacon's meeting at the Ingleby's home
Wednesday 4th June
11.00 Kevin at Waterwells Pre-School
2.30 Friendship Circle - Songs from the 50s and 60s
5.30 TIM Board Meeting
Thursday 5th June
7.30 Handbells
Saturday 7th June
2.30 Musical Folk rehearsal in hall
Sunday 8th June
10.30 Pentecost and Anniversary Cafe-Style Event Service
led by Kevin
Monday 9th June
7.15 Cheltenham Male Voice Praise Practice in the hall
Tuesday 10th June
10.00 Toddler Group
12.45 Baptist Minister's Fraternal at the Manse
8.00 Church Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 11th June
12.30 Lunch followed by Communion
Thursday 12th June
10.00 Kevin at Glos Churches Together Enabling Group
Friday 13th June
7.00 Torch Fellowship in Church and Hall
Saturday 14th June
Recorder Society using the Church for the day
Sunday 15th June
10.30 Communion Service led by Kevin
Monday 16th June
10.00 U3A Recorder Group in Church
Tuesday 17th June
9.30 Toddler Group outing to Newbridge Farm Park
2.00 Kevin at WEBA retreat (till 1pm tomorrow) (Church
meeting deferred until 8th July)
Wednesday 18th June
9.30 Craft Group in Annex
2.30 Friendship Circle: U3A Recorder Group
Thursday 19th June
7.30 Handbell group in hall
Friday 20th June
2.00 Open Doors Prayer Meeting at Claris's home
Sunday 22nd June
10.30 Service led by Kevin
Tuesday 24th June
10.00 Toddler Group
6.00 GL Communities AGM at the Phoenix Centre
Wednesday 25th June
2.30 Friendship Circle: Betty Rogers 'Glimpses of
7.30 Handbell Group in Hall
Thursday 26th June
Kevin at GL Community's bid-writing session
Friday 27th June
Julian Prayer Group at St. Georges
Sunday 29th June
10.30 Service led by Kevin
Tuesday 1st July
10.00 Toddler Group
Thursday 3rd July
7.30 Handbell group in hall
News sheet
Please contact Liz Allen if you have any items for the news sheet Tel: 01452 542693 or email: