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Monday 13th July7.30 Cheltenham male Voice Praise practise in the hall
Tuesday 14th July
10.00 Toddler Group end of term party
2.30 Kevin taking school assembly in Robinswood
5.30 Special TIM Board Meeting
Wednesday 15th July
9.30 Craft Group in annex
2.30 Friendship Circle: Betty Rogers speaking
7.30 Holiday Club Meeting at MBC
Thursday 16th July
7.30 Hand Bells in Church
Friday 17th July
2.00 Open Doors Meeting at Claris' home
Sunday 19th July
10.30 Communion Service led by Kevin with Gwen Marcos, Sara and Eva Quinteros
Tuesday 21st July
1.00 NHS Staff meeting in hall
7.00 Matson and Robinswood Partnership meeting in hall
Wednesday 22nd - Friday 24th July
Set Up 9.00am; Children arrive 10.00
Finish 12.00 (Friday 12.30)
Wednesday 22nd July
Friendship Circle: Lesley Bailey speaking
Saturday 25th July
10-3.00 Spirituality Day at Gloucester Cathedral on Ignatian Exercises
Sunday 26th July10.30 Cafe-Style Service led by Kevin
Tuesday 28th July
7.30 Deacon's Meeting at 6 Peart Close
Wednesday 29th July
2.30 Friendship Circle. Jim Rollinson from GOPA
Thursday 30th July
Games Evening at St Hilda's (£5)
7.30 Handbells in Church
Friday 31st July
2.30 Julian Prayer Group at St Oswalds
Saturday 1st August
10.00 Church Grounds work morning
Sunday 2nd August
10.30 Service led by Kevin
6.30 Communion service led by Kevin