Saturday, 18 February 2017

Services and Meetings Feb / March 2017

Sunday 19th February
10.30 Communion Service led by Susanna Morris
12.30 Children’s Party

Monday 20th February
10.00 U3A Recorders on Church
2.00 U3A Folk Group

Tuesday 21st February
10.00 Toddlers in Hall
3.30 Pastime at the Redwell Centre

Wednesday 22nd February
1.30 NHS Staff Meeting
2.30 Friendship Circle: John Thorn, Old Records

Thursday 23rd February
6.30 Games evening at St Hilda’s

Sunday 26th February
10.30 Service led by John Davies

Tuesday 28th February
10.00 Toddlers
3.30 Pastime at the Redwell Centre

Wednesday 1st March
2.30 Friendship Circle: Pat Lamb: Poetry

Thursday 2nd March
7.30 Handbells

Friday 3rd March
12.00 Lent Lunch @ St Augustine’s

Sunday 5th March
10.30 Service led by Tim Davey

Tuesday 7th March
10.00 Toddlers Group
3.30 Pastime at the Redwell Centre

Wednesday 8th March
12.30 Friendship Circle: Eating Out

Thursday 9th March
2.30 Saintbridge TWG

Friday 10th March
12.00 Lent Lunch @St Augustines
7.30 Torch Fellowship

Sunday 12th March
10.30 Service led by Bob & Liz

Tuesday 14th March
10.00 Toddler Group
3.30 Prayer & Share at The Redwell Centre
7.30 Deacons meeting with Alisdair

Wednesday 15th March
2.30 FC: Hidden Bhutan with John Davis

Friday 17th March
12.00 Lent Lunches at St Augustines
2.00 Open Doors prayer meeting

Sunday 19th March
10.30 Communion Service led by Robert Draycott

Tuesday 21st March
10.00 Toddlers
3.30 Pastime at Redwell Centre
6.00 Pastoral Meal with Alisdair Longwill

Wednesday 22nd March
2.30 FC: Canada with Jo and Trevor Morley

Friday 24th March
12.00 Lent Lent Lunch at St Augustines

Sunday 26th March
10.30 Service led by Alisdair Longwill

Regular groups
Fridays: 10.30 House group at Pam Wilsdon’s
Thursdays, Fortnightly: 7.30pm House group at Ingleby’s/ Betty Rogers

Please contact Bob Allen if you have any items for the newssheet Tel: 542693