This is from a teacher in China reflecting on lock down. It's
We are just finishing our 7th week of E-Learning, seven weeks of being
mainly housebound and seven weeks of uncertainty. We are healthy, we are happy,
and we are humbled.
We are allowed to move around freely now with a green QR code that we
show when we get our temperature taken. You get your temperature taken
everywhere, and it's just become part of the routine. Most restaurants and
shopping centres are now open, and life is coming back to our city.
As we watch the rest of the world begin their time inside; here are some
of my reflections on the last seven weeks:
1. Accept that you have no control over the situation. Let go of any
thoughts of trying to plan too much for the next month or two. Things change so
fast. Don't be angry and annoyed at the system. Anxiety goes down, and you make
the best of the situation - whatever that might be for you. Accept that this is
what it is and things will get easier.
2. Try not to listen to/read/watch too much media. It WILL drive you
crazy. There is a thing as too much!
3. The sense of community I have felt during this time is incredible. I
could choose who I wanted to spend my energy on - who I wanted to call, message
and connect with and found the quality of my relationships has improved.
4. Appreciate this enforced downtime. When do you ever have time like
this? I will miss it when we go back to the fast-paced speed of the 'real
5. Time goes fast. I still haven't picked up the ukelele I planned to
learn, and there are box set TV shows I haven't watched yet.
6. As a teacher, the relationships I have built with my students have
only continued to grow. I have loved seeing how independent they are; filming
themselves to respond to tasks while also learning essential life skills such
as balance, risk-taking and problem-solving, that even we as adults are still
7. You learn to appreciate the little things; sunshine through the
window, flowers blossoming and being able to enjoy a coffee in a cafe.
To those just beginning this journey, You will get through it. Listen to
what you are told, follow the rules and look out for each other. There is light
at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes it’s so nice to read positive things, also to know that we
shouldn’t think about 12 weeks unable to get out for the vulnerable, work
on one week at a time and this will pass and one day, whenever it will be, life
will return to “normal” with just a touch more kindness in the world.
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